As a mutable sign, Virgo represents change; it’s the zodiac sign that comes right before the Fall Equinox that ushers in the next season. As the days grow shorter, Virgo knows that time is precious, and having efficient plans and systems in place to reach your goals is necessary. This is a moment to ask yourself: Which behaviors and habits in your life are more harmful than helpful? What tiny adjustments could you make in your day-to-day that could drastically shift the trajectory of your life?
Virgo energy can kick up an overactive mind. Learn from this earth sign and proactively manage any anxious thoughts by reconnecting with your self and the Earth.
New moons in Virgo can also kick up new ideas and conversations. Virgo also loves to help, and so you may feel inspired to lend a helping hand or take on a new commitment or responsibility that helps out someone in your community. You may also consider picking up a new, daily grounding practice to get back into your body. Virgo energy can kick up an overactive mind. Learn from this earth sign and proactively manage any anxious thoughts by finding a way to reconnect with your self and the Earth.
When is the new moon in Virgo?
The new moon in Virgo perfects in the sky on September 2 at 9:55 p.m. EDT.
What is the astrological meaning of a new moon?
A new moon happens when the sun and the moon line up in the same zodiac sign, with the moon right between the Earth and the sun. The moon itself appears darkened in the night sky, barely visible beneath the Earth’s shadow.
This moon phase starts the monthly lunar cycle. In astrology, the new moon symbolizes a time of releasing all that which has reached its expiration date in your life, and starting fresh. New moons are also considered auspicious for setting intentions and goals.
What can you expect from the new moon in Virgo in September 2024?
This year’s new moon in Virgo brings a bit more of a serious tone. The new moon sits across the sky from stern Saturn in Pisces, evoking a sense of duty, responsibility, and possibly restriction or limitation. For some, this may signify taking on more responsibility or sharing a more mature side of themselves with those around them. Saturn’s influence can also lead to disappointments, setbacks, or feelings of rejection. While this may be uncomfortable, these cosmic growing pains can foster growth and help you recognize what’s no longer working for more stability in the future. Fortunately, the new moon will also collide into Jupiter in Gemini, which allows you to find solutions (and some optimism).
The planetary ruler of this new moon is Mercury, which is currently in Leo. At the time of the lunation, Mercury is inching toward disruptive Uranus in Taurus. The shocking energy of this planetary configuration will be present on the day of the new moon. You could experience a breakthrough, sudden perspective shift, or an innovative idea you want to pursue. Conversations can also feel like an emotional rollercoaster, and people might be more apt to speak out of pocket.
This moon has a lot of other planetary energy baked into it because every single planet is active in some way. The new moon will form connections with Satrun and Jupiter; Mercury is ramming into Uranus; Pluto retrograde just moved into Capricorn for the last time in your lifetime; Venus meets with the South Node; and Mars and Neptune bump into each other!
This is a lot of cosmic energy to hold at once, so if you’re feeling activated, know that you’re not alone. Care for yourself and others with a gentle heart as you move through these planetary shifts.
Venus and the South Node may bring up the need to release an old connection or relationship. You could also break free from unhealthy relationship dynamics and heal old relational wounds as you let go of unhealthy attachments.
With Mars and Neptune colliding, this can stir up a desire to act compassionately and defend those who need it most. It can also amplify feelings of confusion, illusion, and leave you more exhausted than normal. Some decisions made today or other people’s intentions may also feel shrouded in secrecy. Pluto’s re-entrance into Capricorn, meanwhile, will invite you to reflect on your relationship with power and control in regards to tradition, values, history, and structures in your personal life and in the collective.
This is a lot of cosmic energy to hold at once, so if you’re feeling activated, know that you’re not alone. Care for yourself and others with a gentle heart as you move through these planetary shifts. A new beginning is around the corner, and everyone’s working their way through the eye of the storm in order to get there.
To get a clearer picture of how this action-packed lunation will affect you, read on for your sun, moon, and rising signs. Then, pick up a unique self-care practice to help you move through this lunation with a little more steadiness.
What will the September 2024 new moon in Virgo bring for every zodiac sign?

You’re taking on a new responsibility, Aries! The new moon lands in your sixth house of daily routine, responsibilities, and well-being. You could take on a new personal or professional project that’s going to require a daily adjustment or some sort of sacrifice on your part. You know that in order to reach your goal, you’ll have to focus on the present—and the small wins—every day. You may also change up your daily routine by going back to school, traveling for work, or incorporating a new wellness regime into your daily life.
Your new moon self-care practice: Make a list of your habits. Which ones do the future version of yourself keep and which ones would make them run for the hills? Adjust accordingly. This is your yearly cosmic window to revamp your routine and behaviors to set yourself up for success.
You’re either getting serious or calling it off, Taurus. The new moon activates your fifth house of pleasure, romance, and creativity. If you’re dating or in a situationship, you’re ready to go all in, or to call someone out on their bad behavior. You may also finally decide to take a personal project or hobby seriously, like drafting a book proposal or putting your all into becoming an influencer on social media. News you learn today feels inspiring and lucky, and helps you reconnect with your purpose and joy. It’s also possible you feel creatively depleted or like you’re struggling with writer’s block.
Your new moon self-care practice: Make some time to play. Whether it’s literally spending time on a swing, climbing a tree, or busting out some fingerpaints, take this opportunity to remember that when you feel joyful, the inspiration flows.
A new chapter is blossoming in your personal life, Gemini. The new moon activates your fourth house of home, family, the past, and your foundation. You may consider moving, expanding your family, or putting some drama to rest with a relative. You may also take on more personal responsibilities at home, like stepping up to care for a sick family member or roommate. This is also an opportunity to break free from your past, although it can unearth some somber feelings first. Do your best to pace yourself as you process any endings or changes.
Your new moon self-care practice: Practice active detachment by doing a purge of your home and belongings. What are you hanging onto but never use? It’s time to let go of items that are collecting dust to clear out physical and energetic space in your life.
You’re making a new commitment, Cancer! The new moon travels through your third house of communication, ideas, learning, and mindset. You may accept a new job or perhaps you’re discussing the future with a lover and are ready to take the next step. Conversations today have an air of maturity to them and require your responsible side. You may also have to set boundaries. Although that can be tough and uncomfortable, know that it’s what’s best for you in the long run. You’re curious and full of ideas, too, and may just be ready to come up with a plan to chase after your next dream.
Your new moon self-care practice: Pick up a journaling practice. Whether it’s starting or ending your days with a pen in hand, journaling can help you clear out your mind—and maybe even help you uncover your next exciting idea.
You’re feeling grounded, Leo. The new moon moves through your second house of security, finances, and confidence. A new work opportunity may present itself, or perhaps you finally reach a level of financial security that brings a sigh of relief. This is a healthy time to be honest with yourself about your spending—and if you’re doing so beyond your means. You can get back on track with your budget and a savings goal. You may also experience a reality check about something you want or desire, but it’s just out of your reach at the moment. Know that currency has an energy to it, and it continues to ebb and flow. You can get there in time.
Your new moon self-care practice: Practice acts of generosity for others within your means. If you’re able to buy a stranger a cup of coffee or surprise a friend with a gift, do so. Circulating your money in a way that impacts those around you will associate good vibes with your cash flow, as it comes in and goes out.
It’s your yearly reset, Virgo! The new moon travels through your first house of identity, sense of self, and new beginnings. You are granted an all-access pass to focus on your needs and desires from the Universe! You may decide to go after a new goal that will require daily effort and commitment. You know you can make it happen as long as you stay consistent! You may also reach a breaking point in an ongoing contract or personal relationship. This is a moment to discuss boundaries and disappointments, even if it feels uncomfortable. Ultimately, confronting what you’ve ignored will create a more solid foundation for your future, or help you realize which connections aren’t actually worth your time and effort.
Your new moon self-care practice: Put yourself first! Make a list of all your commitments and how you’re showing up for other people or your work on a daily basis. Before you dive into your responsibilities, what can you do for yourself first?
Block off your calendar, Libra, it’s time to slow down. The new moon activates your 12th house of closure, endings, healing, intuition, and rest. This can be an emotionally taxing time as you realize who and what is no longer working in your life. An ongoing commitment that’s left you feeling exhausted may also come to an end, or maybe you need to ask for help. You could also pick up a new spiritual practice that you’re eager to integrate into your daily routine or rework your daily habits in general. Feeling is the key to healing, and you deserve to have some time alone to process the changes that are unfolding around you.
Your new moon self-care practice: Try a morning or evening meditation or breathwork practice. Finding a spiritual practice that connects you to your body mindfully can help you sort through any of the emotionally intense waters you’re wading through. A new beginning is just around the corner, and having this practice in your pocket will give you the foundation you need to flourish.
Your friendship circle is expanding, Scorpio. The new moon moves through your 11th house of community, allies, and dreams for your future. New relationships may enter your life, from a steamy lover to a solid friend, or even a new and important connection on social media. This is a lucky time for networking and connecting with people who want to support your ideas and goals. You might also make a new commitment to a collaborative project, take a hobby more seriously, or finally take a risk on chasing one of your dreams.
Your new moon self-care practice: Practice being social! Attend events outside of your comfort zone, or try out new group workout classes or weekend workshops. Putting yourself in new situations can help you build long-lasting friendships that open your mind and leave you inspired.
You’re taking on more responsibility, Sagittarius! The new moon travels through your 10th house of honor, recognition, reputation, and career. You could land a new exciting opportunity you want to explore, or maybe your website or social media account is taking off! Whatever it may be, people are noticing you and your work. You understand that being this visible is a privilege, and are weighing all of the possibilities that lie ahead of you. You may also set boundaries at work or in your private life, or take on a more serious role as a mentor, teacher, or guiding force in someone else’s life. This is also a powerful time to commit to a new goal and work toward a manifestation or dream.
Your new moon self-care practice: Make a list of some of the people, things, or situations that you’ve manifested thus far in your life. Take a moment to really feel the gratitude in your body that you have for those dreams coming to fruition. Having a genuine gratitude practice can help keep you from taking your successes for granted.
You’re feeling serious about a new idea you want to follow through on, Capricorn. The new moon activates your ninth house of perspective, learning, travel, and wisdom. You may feel called to explore a new career path, go back to school, or even travel to a distant place to soak up new experiences. Your mind is curious and open to new ideas and perspectives. Important conversations may also begin under these moonbeams that involve new contracts or discussing your future with a business partner or lover. You’re also recommitting to your voice, perhaps by sharing something serious and meaningful with a loved one or working on a writing or speaking project.
Your new moon self-care practice: Change up your daily routine. Whether it’s spending 10 minutes a day learning a new language or finding a new commute route to work, find ways to add some spontaneity and fresh vistas to your everyday life. If there’s a subject or skill you’ve always been interested in, there’s no time like the present to pursue it.
A financial reality check arrives under these moonbeams, Aquarius! The new moon lands in your eighth house of shared resources, vulnerability, debt, and trust. You may experience a change regarding your resources—perhaps you’re paying off some debt or realizing you’ve got to get back on track with your budget. It’s also possible a work contract winds down or a new opportunity presents itself that shakes up the way you support yourself. Some of your intimate relationships may deepen and you may feel safe enough to open up and share parts of yourself you typically keep hidden. Exploring feelings of jealousy and possessiveness in your relationships may also be necessary.
Your new moon self-care practice: Comb through your monthly bills and create a budget for yourself. When you spend time tending to your resources and putting effort and energy into managing them, it can help get you back on track and attract more abundance into your life.
You can’t seem to get love off your mind, Pisces! The new moon moves through your seventh house of one-on-one relationships and contracts. Singles may meet someone they want to commit to, and couples could decide to take the next step. This new moon will also require your discernment and you may be sussing out which relationships will really stand the test of time. If BFFs, lovers, roommates, or family have been less than supportive of some of your goals, you may need to set boundaries or sever ties to connections that drain and deplete you. On the bright side, this can also be an exciting time for making commitments, especially new work contracts or creative collaborations.
Your new moon self-care practice: Put yourself in someone else’s shoes. Think of a friend, co-worker, or family member who is going through a tough time. How would you like to be supported if you were in that situation? Show up and offer your care and thoughtfulness intentionally for someone you cherish.